Latest Gym News:

Date: 9/19/2022

Masks are not required, but in a crowded gym space, please be respectful of your fellow climbers and consider taking the right precautions.

  • What is bouldering?

    Bouldering is a style of rock climbing undertaken without a rope and normally limited to very short climbs over a bouldering mat (called a crash pad) so that a fall will not result in injury. It is typically practiced on large natural boulders or artificial boulders in gyms and outdoor urban areas.

  • Is your gym beginner friendly?

    Yes! Although some of our challenging climbing terrain may look intimidating at first glance, you can rest assured that our gym is a place where climbers at any age or ability level can rapidly improve their technique, increase their strength, and achieve their climbing and fitness goals simply by climbing. Our 3,500 square feet of bouldering terrain has over 100 climbing routes, including dozens of boulder problems set up for beginners and experts alike.

  • Can I bring my kids?

    Absolutely! Our indoor bouldering gym is an awesome place for kids of any age to build strength and confidence while learning learn how to rock climb in a fun, safe, and supportive environment. We offer programs for kids, including after school programs, birthday parties, overnight lock-ins, and our youth climbing teams.

  • What equipment do I need?

    If you want to climb at Progression, all you need to get started is a pair of climbing shoes and a chalk bag. We have climbing shoes and chalk bags available for rent at the front desk, and we also have an on-site retail shop loaded with everything else you might need to launch your outdoor climbing lifestyle – including a great selection of climbing shoes, chalk bags, crash pads, and climbing apparel.

  • Can I freeze my membership?

    Members can freeze, thaw, or cancel their accounts in person at the front desk or by emailing us at Requests to freeze or cancel membership must be made by the 23rd day of the prior month so that we can ensure accurate billing for the next upcoming month. Requests received after the 23rd of the month will be processed the following month. There is a five dollar monthly fee to freeze each membership.

  • Why are there no ropes?

    Our 16-foot high bouldering walls are designed so that you can climb to the top of each wall without a rope and then drop safely onto our state-of-the-art padded flooring system. Even on our busiest days, you will never wait in line for a rope at our gym, and you don’t even need a partner to keep you safe while you climb. In short, there is nothing to hold you back at Progression – you can simply show up and climb to your heart’s content! All you need is shoes and motivation. We’ve got the shoes….you supply the motivation!

  • Do you offer outdoor trips?

    North Carolina has some of the best outdoor climbing in the South, and our experienced staff has climbed virtually every inch of it. Contact us by phone at (919) 904-7217 or via email at to learn more about our guided outdoor trips!

  • How often are problems changed?

    At Progression, we recognize that there is value to having something to come back to. In fact, that’s one of the most satisfying aspects of climbing in general – being able to do repeatedly something that previously felt impossible! At the same time, we strive to keep things fresh for continued motivation. That's why we reset one section of wall each week. That means there will be 10-20 new problems every week to test your mettle.

  • What are your COVID protocols?

    At the gym, we take the safety of everyone very seriously, whether it’s being safe on the wall, or from a global pandemic. We no longer require masks, but ask folks to respect the space and comfort of the other climbers. We have improved our ventilation system, regular wash down the wall, and when able to we open the gym to the outside air!